Your Memory Profile   


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Your Memory Profile has been designed so that anyone who uses the questionnaires it contains will find out where the strengths and weaknesses of his/her memory lie. 
With this knowledge it is easier to make the necessary changes that will lead to an improved memory.
The Profile pages also contain extra information that is not in the MemoryImprovement Website.
This extra information refers directly to the questions posed in the Questionnaires and helps you to use your answers profitably.
The Profile also includes a Diary format you can use to help retain memories and a system entitled  'Memory Diagrams'  that will help you to access hidden memories.

Your Memory Profile

Find your strengths and weaknesses

Overcome difficulties and build on successes
Practical and proven advice

Questionnaires included for:
Memory Storage
General Health and Fitness

Results Charts for 'at-a-glance' checking

Other Topics:
Memory Diagrams
Memory Diary

Document runs to 9 or 10 x A4 pages
© Susan Higginson 2000


Price: $6  payable by Credit Card over a secure connection to Clickbank.   Clickbank do not retain credit card numbers on file.
After payment you will have access to the pages of the document and can immediately print them out for your own use.

Buy Your Memory Profile document NOW by clicking on the link below

If you have any trouble with payment or download, please get in touch either by telephone or email.
Details are:
(44)(0)1963 33384 
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