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How's Your Maths?

Q:  It takes a clock 5 seconds to strike 5,
how long does it take it to strike 10?

A:    11¼ seconds. 

When striking 5 there are 4 intervals of 1¼ seconds.   When striking 10 there are 9 intervals of 1¼ seconds. 

Q:  A man (or woman) drives to work at 20 miles per hour and returns home at 30 mph.  What is his (her) average speed?

A:  24mph.  

Miles per hour is a product of distance and time, so you cannot just average the two figures to find the answer. 
Choose a convenient mileage eg 60 for the journey distance into which the two figures will divide.

From this 60 miles @ 20 mph = 3 hours
               60 miles @ 30 mph = 2 hours
i.e. Journey there and back is 120 miles in 5 hours which is 24mph.


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